FI Data Center

We partner with one of Finland's major co-location providers - Ficolo. Our Finnish data center is, actually, a former armed forces facility positioned underground. It's made to continue functioning regardless of what takes place in the world outside - be it an aerial strike, a close-range EMP blast or a natural disaster. This way, we're able to provide total protection for your websites.

In addition to the physical safety, the Finnish data center is very well connected with the world. Because of its proximity with Russia, it's a fantastic option for anyone who wants to go into the sizable Russian market and also to offer top online connectivity to their customers. The same also applies for the other nations in Northern and Central Europe.

  • 0.00/mo.
  • Domain Names

  • .COM - £12.43/year
  • .NET - £13.67/year
  • .ORG - £12.75/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Linux Cloud Web Hosting in Finland

If you are searching for a genuinely risk-free cloud web hosting service, then you've come to the perfect place. When you have a cloud web hosting account in our Finnish data center, not only will your web site be protected against any natural disaster or even an aerial assault, but you will furthermore enjoy a 99.9% service uptime and also a 99.9% network uptime. A 24/7 tech support service backed up by a one-hour reply time guarantee is come standard.

An additional advantage of having your website with Silverwell e-Solutions is that all of your sites and apps will have a considerable speed boost. All of our servers come with really fast NVMe drives providing fantastic write/read speeds and use a file system (ZFS), that is designed in a way as to take full advantage of the benefits offered by the NVMe drives. And in our easy to use Hepsia Control Panel we've included as well a selection of website accelerators to further increase the loading speed of your sites.

OpenVZ Linux VPS Hosting In Finland

If you're searching to get a risk-free VPS hosting experience, take a look at our OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers in our Finnish data center. They have unparalleled levels of safety. Not only will your websites be hosted in a belowground data center, that's, in fact, an ex-military facility, but they are also protected by a solid internal network. And with our Web Hosting Control Panel, you'll receive a set of firewalls, that can filter incoming and outbound connections.

Aside from the powerful security layer, our OpenVZ VPS servers feature extremely effective hardware and very quick NVMe drives. Their processing power is equal to a dedicated server, yet are available at a more affordable price.


 CPU Core(s)
 Disk Space
 Monthly Traffic

Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting In Finland

The Ficolo data center is the ideal home for your semi-dedicated server. It offers the necessary web hosting conditions to have your demanding web sites and web apps work effortlessly: outstanding local and global connectivity, top-level physical and network stability and, especially - a disaster-proof below ground location. With any of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting, you'll get a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.

Due to Ficolo data center's flexible colocation policy, we've had the ability to employ our own cloud hosting platform, which uses NVMe-powered servers and the ZFS file storage system. This gives you optimum data processing and backup speeds. On top of that, you will have ample CPU quotas for your demanding sites and applications, as well as generous database query quotas.

  • Service Guarantees

  • Take advantage of a risk-free cloud hosting service inside our Finnish data center. Benefit from an incredible 99.9% server uptime warranty and also a very quick, 24/7 tech support service.
  • Compare Our Prices

  • We provide multiple cloud hosting packages in our Finnish data center. Check them out and choose the one which meets your requirements.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • Pick Silverwell e-Solutions and our Finnish data center if you're looking for absolutely trouble-free website hosting services at cost-effective rates.
  • Contact Us

  • Do you have questions for us? Contact us on the phone numbers listed below - our representatives are ready to help.