Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 1–hour Response Guarantee

  • Delivering great quality support without delay is our main priority, so that we support each Linux cloud web hosting plan with a 1–hour ticket resolution warranty. When you send a ticket or post a message, our user help support staff will try their best to generate the most satisfactory answer to your case and to give you advice promptly.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–quality Support Service

  • Contact us any time needed. Our team of technicians will undoubtedly be online for you 24x7x365 to answer to all of your enquiries and to address any matter that you might have. You can easily open a support ticket from your Control Panel or drop an e–mail message whenever. In addition, on working days, you’ll be able to phone us or make use of the online chat alternative.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • Our Control Panel features a wide–ranging practical knowledge base which is built–into all parts. In each section, you’ll find a Help press button which will load for you a list of step–by–step lessons on how to use a specific option or conduct a selected action. Additionally, we have prepared mini seminar videos so you might get a better idea of the Control Panel’s interface.