Any time you get a brand new Linux cloud web hosting, it is generated on a server and the entire process typically takes a while, in addition to the confirmation and processing of the fee, which most companies execute manually. When you get a dedicated server, for example, the installation takes more time because the machine needs to be assembled, installed and tried in order to make sure that it'll work properly. Because of this, a lot of suppliers have a one-time charge so as to cover the time and efforts devoted to your new account. The charge, which sometimes is quite high, is often not listed on the front page, but you'll notice it on your checkout or payment page, therefore you won't be familiar with it before you have already gone through the whole registration process and you can even miss it unless you pay close attention.
Setup Fee in Cloud Web Hosting
Our cloud web hosting packages do not have any installation fees or any other obscured charges as a rule. When you buy your account, we will process your payment at once then the account will be generated and activated from our system instantly. The overall cost that you will be required to pay for your website hosting plan will be identical all around - on your front, order and payment pages, and you won't find or be charged anything on top of that price anytime. This is valid even if you get numerous accounts since it is our principle that developing trust is much more important than getting several more dollars. The account activation is immediate, therefore you are able to go ahead and start building your websites straight away.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you order a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you will pay just the monthly charge that is already displayed on the website. Your account will be made on our servers and we'll activate it in a couple of minutes without additional cost. This is valid for each monthly payment and irrespective of the number of accounts that you acquire. It is our principle that it's not reasonable to charge additional money for an activity that we've virtually fully computerized, so that you'll never see any installation charges or another hidden fees. For this reason, the fees that are listed on our front page, on the payment page and on your bank statement will be exactly the same.
Setup Fee in VPS Hosting
If you decide to order a new Virtual Private Server from our company, the overall price that you'll have to pay on signup will be identical both on our home page and on your bank statement. We don't charge any type of setup fees or another hidden costs over the VPS monthly price. Despite the fact that the setup takes some time, it is virtually fully automated, so we believe there is no reason to ask you for anything extra for a couple of more clicks on our end. In case you already have a shared website hosting account through our company and you purchase a virtual server with our Hepsia Control Panel, we can move all of your data and even in this case, we will never require you to pay anything more than the regular monthly rate for the virtual private server plan.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Web Hosting
When you get a dedicated server from us, we will configure your machine free of charge. The cost that you'll find and pay is exactly the same on our web site, on the payment page as well as on your bank statement, and the exact amount you'll pay during the signup is the same as the one you will pay to renew your package later on. We'll provide you with a ready-to-use system, which is built and tested, and which comes with all the required software in advance - Operating System, web server, MySQL, FTP, and web hosting Control Panel if you have selected one through the registration, but all these tasks are done free of cost. We can even relocate all of your information without extra fee when you get your dedicated server with our Hepsia Control Panel and you have an ordinary shared hosting package from our company.